General information about company

Scrip code502150
Name of the entityKalyanpur Cements Limited
Date of start of financial year01-04-2016
Date of end of financial year31-03-2017
Reporting QuarterQuarterly
Date of Report31-12-2016
Risk management committeeNot Applicable

Annexure I

Annexure I to be submitted by listed entity on quarterly basis

I. Composition of Board of Directors

Disclosure of notes on composition of board of directors explanatory
Is there any change in information of board of directors compare to previous quarterNo

Annexure 1

II. Composition of Committees

Disclosure of notes on composition of committees explanatory
Is there any change in information of committees compare to previous quarterNo

Annexure 1

Annexure 1

III. Meeting of Board of Directors

Disclosure of notes on meeting of board of directors explanatory
SrDate(s) of meeting (if any) in the previous quarterDate(s) of meeting (if any) in the current quarterMaximum gap between any two consecutive (in number of days)

Annexure 1

IV. Meeting of Committees

Disclosure of notes on meeting of committees explanatory
SrName of CommitteeDate(s) of meeting of the committee in the relevant quarterWhether requirement of Quorum met (Yes/No)Requirement of Quorum met (details)Date(s) of meeting of the committee in the previous quarterMaximum gap between any two consecutive meetings (in number of days)Name of other committee
1Audit Committee28-10-2016YesFull Quorum present29-07-201690

Annexure 1

V. Related Party Transactions

SrSubjectCompliance status (Yes/No/NA)If status is �No� details of non-compliance may be given here.
1Whether prior approval of audit committee obtainedYes
2Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPTNA
3Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval have been reviewed by Audit CommitteeNA
Disclosure of notes on related party transactions Textual Information(1)

Text Block

Textual Information(1)
The related party transactions in case of the company represent the Managerial Remuneration paid to managerial personnel. Requisite approvals have already been obtained in respect of payment of such remuneration. The payment of interest made to strategic investors is covered under the revival scheme sanctioned by BIFR.

Annexure 1

VI. Affirmations

SrSubjectCompliance status (Yes/No)
1The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015Yes
2The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 a. Audit CommitteeYes
3The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. b. Nomination & remuneration committeeYes
4The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. c. Stakeholders relationship committeeYes
5The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. d. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 100 listed entities)NA
6The committee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibilities as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.Yes
7The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.Yes
8This report and/or the report submitted in the previous quarter has been placed before Board of Directors.Yes
9Any comments/observations/advice of Board of Directors may be mentioned here:Textual Information(1)

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Textual Information(1)
The report on Corporate Governance for the quarter ended 30th September, 2016 was placed before the Board of Directors in its meeting held on 28.10.2016. The report for the quarter under consideration will be placed before the Board in its meeting to be held on 03.02.2017.

Signatory Details

Name of signatoryP.K. CHAUBEY
Designation of personCompany Secretary